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2011 Shenzhen Universiade

 2011 年8月12日,第26届世界大学生运动会正式在深圳举行,LAX以“扩声系统独家运营商”的身份参与了这次盛事。为迎接赛事扩声运营保驾护航,组建300多人的赛事扩声保驾护航团队,为“不一样精彩”的大运会添上精彩的一笔。

On August 12, 2011, the 26th Universiade was officially held in Shenzhen. LAX participated in the event as the "exclusive operator of sound reinforcement system". In order to meet the escort of the event sound reinforcement operation, we have set up an event sound reinforcement escort team of more than 300 people, adding a wonderful stroke to the "different wonderful" Universiade.






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