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2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games

2014 年8月16日,承载活动与激情,构筑青春与梦想。与国际奥委会再次喜结连理,成为南京青奥会开闭幕式扩声系统独家供应商。体育场所扩声系统使用LAX,这既是对民族自主品牌的肯定,也是极大地鼓舞了民族企业对外拓展的信心。

On August 16, 2014, LAX became the exclusive supplier of sound reinforcement system for the opening and closing ceremonies of Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. LAX products are used in the sound reinforcement system of sports venues, which not only affirms the national independent brand, but also greatly encourages the confidence of national enterprises in external development.


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