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The opening and closing ceremony of the 15th Jiangxi Games

2018年10月28日,江西省第十五届运动会在“千年瓷都”景德镇隆重开幕,景德镇体育中心场内灯光璀璨、气氛热烈 ,美轮美奂的开幕式盛宴犹如是广袤的赣鄱大地上一颗璀璨的明珠,LAX作为扩声系统供应商,秉持着高品质的水准,震撼发声,保驾护航。

On October 28, 2018, 15 games in Jiangxi Province in the grand opening of Jingdezhen "which is" in one thousand, jingdezhen sports center stadium lights bright, warm atmosphere, the grandeur of the opening ceremony of the feast as a vast Jiangxi Province a shining pearl on the earth, and LAX as supplier amplification system, with the high quality level, shock and escort.


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